Kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird
Kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird

kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird

Bo sees Baba Yaga’s mark on Dyson’s stomach and tells him they’ve been cursed by Kenzi.ĭyson’s not happy and gives Bo and Kenzi shit … especially Kenzi. The waitress comes after Dyson again and Bo uses her mojo to calm her down. Kenzi remembers them talking shit about Dyson, but can’t recall anything after that. Hale drags her away and Bo and Kenzi come in, trying to remember what happened the night before.

kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird

At the Dal, he tells Hale women have been freaking out on him everywhere he goes, and the trend continues when one of the waitress he’s been banging goes crazy and attacks him. But the woman in there-who wanted to talk to someone about illegal street racing in her neighbourhood-goes nuts and attacks him. Back at the cop shop, Hale wipes spit off Dyson’s shirt apparently, five different hookers were hocking loogies at him, and when number six comes at him, he retreats into the interview room. She’s shocked that Baba Yaga is real and Trick says the old crone has marked Bo as her own.

kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird

Kenzi thinks the idea of a Fae STD is kinda funny, but when Trick says it’s either that or Baba Yaga, Kenzi ain’t laughing any more. A female suspect is dragged by and calls Dyson a pig, which Hale finds funny.Īt the Dal, Trick looks at the weird mark on Bo’s ass and asks her if she’s “communed” with any strange Fae lately. Hale gives Dyson shit about flaunting his sex life in front of Bo, but Dyson says it’s more cruel to pretend he’s not seeing other women and letting Bo think she still has a shot. “This is what happens when you buy wine from the bargain bin.”Īt the cop shop, Dyson talks on the phone to his star witness, who’s getting nervous about testifying. (Kenzi: “Why do I taste shampoo?”) Bo’s not much better off and finds a weird mark that’s basically branded into her skin. Next morning, Bo finds the shards of the mirror and asks Kenzi what the hell she did, but Kenz is so hung over she can’t remember anything. It seems as though Kenzi wasn’t expecting anything to actually happen, but as she walks away, the mirror explodes and a voice says “as you wish” … and I don’t think it was the Dread Pirate Roberts speaking. Bo says they’re the good guys and should take the high road, “so no Baby Yoda!” Kenzi agrees, but knowing how much Bo’s hurting, she later makes a drunken invocation to the bathroom mirror for Baba Yaga to curse Dyson, to let him know what rejection feels like. Baba Yaga is a scary Slavic witch who lives in a hut with giant chicken legs and devours young girls … so, not someone you’d want on your bad side. Kenzi points out that he’s kinda been acting like a dick lately, and thinks they should invoke Baba Yaga to curse Dyson. Kenzi has swiped a book from Trick and is looking at different curses, but Bo says Dyson sacrificing his love to save her was noble, so they can’t really be mad at him for that. Back at home, Bo and Kenzi continue their drunk fest and talk about getting back at Dyson. Bo shows commendable maturity by giving Dyson a friendly wave … then proceeds to almost break Kenzi’s wrist. Hale says they’re celebrating convincing a mob mistress to testify against her gangster boyfriend-mostly because she’s kinda hot for Dyson. As for the waitress … well, she’s obviously pretty into him, and he doesn’t seem to mind. This one starts with Bo and Kenzi having a drink at the Dal and watching Dyson flirt with one of the waitresses and some blonde girl.

Kenzi lost girl season 3 acting weird